
Showing posts from December, 2013

Troubleshooting Hadoop - A useful slideshare

Hadoop World 2011: Hadoop Troubleshooting 101 - Kate Ting - Cloudera from Cloudera, Inc.

Task tracker disallowed by Job tracker - Cloudera CDH 4.5 VM

When I loaded Cloudera's VM to explore hadoop, I was unable to start Tasktracker. The following error showed up. Task tracker disallowed by Job tracker org.apache.hadoop.filecache.TrackerDistributedCacheManager:Cleanup .. Java.lang.InterruptedExcpetion: sleep interrupted Solution: The problem is gone by restarting JobTracker first and then starting tasktracker. Even if you are still seeing the issue, please follow the below discussion. The solution suggested in this thread is editing the /etc/hosts file. An easier and cleaner work around is to fix your /etc/hosts file Using VMWARE fusion and Centos 6.2 x64, I noticed the hosts file lists localhost first.   locahost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  Rename it to this   localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 localhost!topic/cdh-user/PRy7GynUI6U

Eclipse Indigo won't start on Ubuntu 12.04

Error:  java . lang . UnsatisfiedLinkError : Could not load SWT library . Solution: ln - s / usr / lib / jni / libswt -* ~/. swt / lib / linux / x86 / Reference:

How Get $Site.CurrentSiteUrl in formula editor

If we want to see the current site url in HYPERLINK function of formula editor, this is how it should be done.  LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)) Reference: