How to bundle multiple actions as a transaction using Salesforce API?
How to bundle multiple actions as a transaction using
Salesforce API?
At present, the only way to bundle multiple actions as a
transaction in SFDC is to put all of them in an APEX method and make it a web
service. But, the problem one may
encounter is with the arguments. The arguments tend to get misinterpreted or
overlapped at Salesforce end. For example in the following definition webService static String upsertData(string
s,Id v, Id[] str) , if we pass
v as null one of the str values is
pushed into v variable. This situation is undesirable and results in unwanted
results. So we should define a class defining all the argument we want to pass
in a method. And use the class as an argument. This worked perfectly for me.
global class xxxxxx{
global class yyyyyyy{
webService Attachment qAttach;
webService ABCD[] dsLineItems;
webService string[] deleteIds;
webService static String upsertData(yyyyyyy dInfo) {
global class yyyyyyy{
webService Attachment qAttach;
webService ABCD[] dsLineItems;
webService string[] deleteIds;
webService static String upsertData(yyyyyyy dInfo) {
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